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Home | Rob Zombie – Lords of Salem

Rob Zombie – Lords of Salem


Rob Zombies latest original movie is heading to production this spring.  It is called Lords of Salem and it is being done with the same production team that did Paranormal Activity.

The story is said to follow a “DJ in Salem who unleashes a horde of demonic minions (300-year old coven of witches) after she plays a cursed record.” It reminds me of Trick or Treat where an angry dead rocker is brought back when a kid plays the only copy of his last record backwards. 

There’s differences of course but music bringing evil on the world, well Rob knows what its like to create demonic music.

It should be interesting and though I am cautious this might be the first film he has made without white trash rednecks in it.  Let’s wait though before jumping to conclusions right?

Source: Fangoria.com

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