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Home | There’s Nothing Out There: Troma’s latest campy-bloody-boob-fest

There’s Nothing Out There: Troma’s latest campy-bloody-boob-fest

theresnothingoutthere-323x500December 22, 2010 (New York, NY) – We don’t need a Maury Povich paternity test to prove what we’re talking about! THERE’S NOTHING OUT THERE is the original, self-referential, horror-comedy cult classic that planted the seed in Kevin Williamson’s egg-head for SCREAM! Rockin’ social stereotypes like they’re going out of style, seven teens take off to a lake house for spring break and drive into a horror film. With fellow teen Mike, the dorky horror movie buff to guide them, they know what is coming – they just can’t avoid it!

One-by-one they are hunted down by a horny taco-shaped alien determined to mate with all the girls and annihilate all the boys!

Written and directed by then-newcomer Rolfe Kanefsky, THERE’S NOTHING OUT THERE combines campy and sometimes terrifying humor with gore, boobs galore, and one errant cat.

Guaranteed to get your juices flowing, just like it did for Kevin! And for all you “Mikes” out there, this release offers exclusive interviews with Kanefsky and Troma President Lloyd Kaufman! Out January 11, 2011, you can pre-order it at Amazon.com NOW!

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