Written / Artwork by Frank Forte by Frank Forte (Editor, Illustrator), Szymon Kudranski (Illustrator), Robert S. Rhine (Author), Marcin Ponomarew (Illustrator), Aaron Rintoul (Illustrator), Riste Sekuloski (Illustrator), Nenad Gucunja (Illustrator), David Paleo (Illustrator), Billy George (Illustrator), Kevin Colden (Illustrator)
Published by Asylum Press
Publication Date: 2008
Format: Color – 96 pages
Price: $4.95
Now this is my idea of quality horror comic entertainment. The name of the book? “The Asylum of Horrors” published by the dynamically horror comic book/graphic novel organization of Asylum Press. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a mere $4.95, as this edition is chockfull of chaos and mayhem! Yep 96 pages, all color and full of creepy stories, killer beasts and tales of mass destruction of the mind. First off the art book is beautifully done by a range of artistic talents. It runs the mixed media pipeline with collage, inks, pencils watercolors, digitals, paints and chalks.
Just a simple flip thorough and you’ll be headfirst into crazy creature madness some of which looks to be inspired by Lovecraftian suggestions. The variety alone makes each story uniquely drawn and uniquely told.
The writing is fantastic with short and sweet tales that hinge on subject matters or creatures, madness, losing of oneself, digesting, killing, dismembering and destroying. You’ll hear this more than once from this reviewer, but Asylum knows how to satisfy the horror readers! No this is no kiddie novel, its geared at adults who like to mix sex, gore and depravity into there comic reads. Our host in this volume, a doctor who has perfected the technique of jumping into his subjects dreams and nightmares. Fully drug- induced for extra special visions he heads mind-first into this collection of tales.
13 stories with a modern edge! “Black Milk” tells of a serpent/octo- invasion on the world. Nicely done with photography and digital imaging. “Love or Obsession” delves into one man’s obsession with having his girlfriend all to himself with brutal consequences. “Baazumatuu” explores the reality of a man fighting his own inner demons for his life, down to violent realism complete with gut wrenching results. “Caveat Emmptor” one of my favorites, is simply a lady recouping on her demon payments with confidence that turns out to be much more than she bargained for! “The Corridor” is pure monster attack madness nicely done with excellent creature renderings.
Oh, and there’s much much more. Artists will appreciate the one sheet illustration throughout that depict different creatures as part of the “Asylum of Horrors” world.
A nice paperback that jumps out with vivid inks and dynamic monsters. check out there other titles as well, Asylum press is one to watch out for
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