“After the failed Government attempt to create a new weapon of mass destruction known as an ‘Arachnado’, or Project A-82, Sergeant Preston teams up with two female accomplices to overthrow the corrupt Governor before the entire city of Los Angeles is destroyed by their newest experiment: a firenado with flaming spiders! If that weren’t enough, there’s also a horde of newly hatched Baby Ebola Rexes terrorizing the outskirts of town making their way towards a final firey showdown with the flaming spiders! Did we mention the leftover 5G Zombie problem?”
Written and directed by Dustin Ferguson.
*Free premiere on YouTube May 1st at 6pm PST as part of SCS TV’s “Malvolia’s Movie Matinee”
*Stars Mel Novak (Bruce Lee’s Game of Death), Brinke Stevens (Slumber Party Massacre) and Mercedes Peterson (Rattlers 2)
*The final installment in the “Pandemic Series”
*DVD Release later from Wild Eye Releasing
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