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Film Review: Coil (Short Film) (2020)

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A young woman struggles to fight her anxiety, and the malevolent creature inside her, while she prepares to go out to a party.


Directed and written by Spencer Ryerson, Coil is creepy and lingers in your mind after you watch it. Victoria Dunsmore plays Francine. Francine is a lot of us. She’s making breakfast or lunch, slicing strawberries and she notices something on her arm.

She’s slicing and slicing and slices her finger. (I guess I should say Blood warning, if blood makes you queasy?!) Francine is nervous, she threw up and now the phone is ringing. Remember phones, like legit phones with cords?

She’s baking something and now there are worms involved. Oh my GOSH! Victoria Dunsmore is doing a great job playing this character. The stress, the nerves, the movements, she’s put the heart and soul in.

It’s like watching Alien and Scream at the same time. It’s wild. Anxiety is horrible. It was described to me as a TRAIN GOING THROUGH YOUR BODY. You feel sick, nervous, anxious, nauseous, all these ten million thoughts go through your head. It’s difficult to fully explain some times.

Spencer Ryerson does a great job of showing what this is like.

Make sure to check out COIL!


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