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Film Review: Ghost Searchers (short film) (2020)

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A dark comedy short film that follows Matt and Jeff, two hapless local paranormal investigators in the wake of a community becoming more skeptical of the supernatural.


More short films, kiddies! Today we have GHOST SEARCHERS, directed by Neil George, written by Neil George, Lauren Hussey, and Hannah Spaulding.

Our story follows a pair of ghost hunters, Matt ( Max Doubt, which is my latest nominee for Best Stage Name Ever) and Jeff (Jonny Lee), as they visit a client experiencing apparent supernatural phenomena in his house.

Robert (Dylan Terrill) just bought a house in San Francisco a few weeks ago, but has been terrified by the unearthly events that have been happening. He calls our heroes to investigate and hopefully resolve the problem, since he is too financially invested to abandon the property.

I don’t want to give things away so I won’t go into a lot of story or plot development. However, there are some really good things I can tell you about this film.

Its clearly low budget (around 6,000 USD according to IMDB) which is never a dealbreaker for me. Honestly, I have worked on enough “burger money” films that i could smell it from a mile away, but when the special effects are required they put their money in the right place. I was really impressed with what the filmmakers managed to create. I went back and watched three or four times and even though I know how they did it, it still looks fantastic.

With the exception of Mr. Doubt (yea, that’s such a cool name), this is a first film for the cast. Everyone does an admirable job. Mr Doubt has a few other short films to his credit as well as some other projects still in post production.

I really enjoyed this one. Sort of a ghostbusters fan film, sort of a love song to those reality shows where dudes run around dark houses and scare themselves, and doesn’t take itself too seriously to not be any fun. There is actually some good character development, which leads me to believe there may be more films with these characters in the future.

Man, I kinda hope so.

The film is available now on Amazon Prime.


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