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Home | STILL SCREAMING Is STILL SCREAMING And This Time Even Longer Than Before

STILL SCREAMING Is STILL SCREAMING And This Time Even Longer Than Before

Remember a couple of years back when the mega-documentary on the SCREAM franchise came out? It was part of that whole HIS NAME IS JASON and NEVER SLEEP AGAIN craze that swept through the genre. They were all great retrospectives on their respective franchises but STILL SCREAMING was apparently cut quite a bit as there was a literal ton of footage left after they hit their selected run time and until now all that work has just been stuck on a hard drive somewhere but that is all about to change.

While the original production got its release as a “special feature” on the Blu-ray release of the then trilogy of films this new release is going to hit us a little differently.

Director Ryan Turek has announced a new two disc set with over 4 hours of footage that didn’t make it into the original release, that is a lot of SCREAM!

If you CLICK HERE you’ll be rushed over to the releases official site where a nice little pre-order sale is happening. The official release will take place in June but you can save quite a bit if you click over now and let them know you want one. Not only do you save a few bucks you get an instant download of a commentary track featuring Ryan Turek and producer Anthony Masi.

Pretty sweet no matter how you cut it.


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