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Home | Horror Hotel Releases Newest Anthology On Amazon Prime

Horror Hotel Releases Newest Anthology On Amazon Prime


“An astonishing four piece combo meal of horror! Dig in!”

Death List Podcast

 Horror Hotel has released their newest anthology, Return To Horror Hotel, on streaming platform amazon prime. The franchise,  which saw their first season on Hulu, began bundling up their short tales into anthology feature films a few years back. “This newest anthology has two new horror/scifi tales and we brought back a couple of earlier fan favorites to the mix as well” says creator/director Ricky Hess. “We have always tried to up our game with each new film and really pushed the creep factor and production value up especially with our two newest films, “Sleep Tight” and “No Time For Love”.

“Sleep Tight” is a horror tale of giant creepy crawlers (bedbugs) that bite and ingest steroids from a body builder staying at the motel. The bedbugs exponentially grow into monsters attacking unsuspecting guests at the hotel. “Will make your skin crawl and have you checking under the sheets” – hesaidshesaidmovies

“Sleep Tight” brought back returning Horror Hotel actors Baby Norman, Jeremy Michael Grey, RC Sayyah, and Darien Johnson. Others actors include Samuel Norman, Zoe Burgner, Nathan T. Evans, Candace VandiZandi, Jenny Hall, and Haji Abdullah.

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“No Time For Love” is a scifi tale about a reclusive WWII sailor (Jason Gaglione) who sequestered himself away in his motel room after his ship sank and has not been seen for years. He has also not aged one day since then. A pretty bookstore clerk (Katrina Rarick) tricks her way into his room after hearing about the oddity from her boss (Mark Richard Prew) which triggers Davie’s past to fast forward to the present. “Heartbreaking and Horrifying” – Rebeccah’s Reviews

“Guillotine” is an older fan favorite from the first season. A magical charm cut from the guillotine of Maria Antoinette holds the power to turn girls into beauty queens. That’s exactly what Doreen Grey (Stephanie Stevens) wants to win her next big beauty pageant. Along with her best pal Collette (Ann Marie Gideon Knezevich) she meets up with shady fence Al Sharko (James Edward Thomas) at the hotel to exchange her luxury car for the coveted relic. The transforming magic is demonstrated on both girls ratchetting  up the tension as they both now want the charm for themselves. “Crazy good, strange and a must see!” – Fallon Gannon wickedhorror.com

“Houdini’s Hand” is also a first season favorite featuring actors Tony Folden, Montrel Miller, James Edward Thomas and Mike Bend. It’s a horror tale surrounding the theft of the severed, mummified hand of magician Harry Houdini that is just not quite dead yet. Seems the supernatural ‘hand’ still maintains the ability to open safes, doors and anything else locked.  Two petty burglars steal it from the present owner for their own uses and then suffer the consequences when it begins to terrorize them in their hotel room.  “Delightfully twisted and thrilling” – What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie

Return To Horror Hotel  is Free to watch for amazon prime subscribers.


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