Synopsis: Two rough girls from the inner city, Diem and Uri (Jennifer Stone, Paula Marcenaro Solinger) steal a suit case full of money from violent drug dealers and flee to an old house where Deim’s Grandfather (Michael Berryman) lives.
The drug dealers track them down, and just as they are all about to kill each other, an ancient evil is awakened inside the house by a maniac shaman (Billy Blair) and chaos ensues.
The house full of criminals and mad men must all work together in order to survive the night and make it to dawn.
An 80s style demon film, “Midnight Devils” can be quickly described as “Evil Dead” meets “Reservoir Dogs.”
Directors: Abel Berry and Jennifer Stone (Blood Sombrero),
Cast: Alan Rowe Kelly (I’ll bury you tomorrow), Billy Blair (Machete, Machete Kills, 3 From Hell), Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes), Paula Marcenaro Solinger (Blood Sombrero), Frederic Doss (Breaking Bad, Gi Joe retaliation), James Furey (Walking Distance), Jennifer Stone (Blood Sombrero), Guy Mayfield, Peter Armendariz, and Francis Williams