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Book Review: With a Voice that is Often Still Confused.. Author J.R Hamantascen

with-a-voiceWith a Voice that is Often Still Confused But is Becoming ever Louder and Clearer – Author J.R Hamantascen


J.R Hamantascen has a knack for imaginative scenarios. Chock full of harrowing circumstance “With a Voice that is Often Still Confused But is Becoming ever Louder and Clearer” takes the reader thru one dark door after another.

J.R Hamantascen loves a short story as evident in this 2nd release of gothically psychologically intriguing sprints of horror and madness.

What impressed me most was Hamantascen’s ease of descriptive phrasings that clearly provide food for thought into the nether reaches of one’s mind. His affinity and obsession with death is clear in the narration of his characters, but more importantly is that it is done with a poetic intelligence that is rooted in real life drama and circumstance.

Often the punch line comes with blow that delivers on the journey one takes getting there, however I’m guessing that the punch line is subjectively different to each. I also greatly enjoyed his talent for visualizing intense creatures that originating out of dark places.

Readers would benefit greatly by taking a gander at Hamantascen’s mix of stories that lead from one cold dank corner to another..

Critics? My critiques in this are more on the surface than contextual. I’m not a fan of book titles that turn into 2 sentences which means for the author it is always going to be truncated or acronym-ed. My guess is that sometime in the future this will have to be re-evaluated for those purpose.

The second would be that the content deserves a more visually enticing cover to pull readers in. Upon first glance I wasn’t sure if that was mold on the cover or cryptic cave drawings. In either case, there is nothing here that visually screams to book browsers as to why they should pick this read over others. 2 basic marketing tips would work wonder on this product.

This self publish is certainly worthy of a more formal publishing. Publishers seeking a fresh new addition should snag up J.R Hamantascen before others do. The stories here are rich and diverse.

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