Wishmaster Returns! In the fall of 1997, Wes Craven presented the world with a brand new Horror franchise. Written by the creator of Hellraiser 2, 3 & 4, Peter Atkins, and directed by one third of the legendary KNB Effects Group, Robert Kurtzman – Wishmaster was an instant genre hit upon release, and went on to spawn three sequels, action …
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Film Review: Wish Upon (2017)
SYNOPSIS: A teen girl discovers a magical box that will grant her seven wishes. As she uses her wishes for personal gain, bad things begin to happen to those around her. She discovers an evil entity lives inside the box and may be behind the gruesome deaths REVIEW: Director: John R. Leonetti. Starring: Joey King, Ryan Philippe, Ki Hong Lee, …
Read More »Top 10 Most Underrated Horror Movies from the 90’s
After doing a list of the most underrated horror movies from the 80’s (which I hope you read) I decided to go ahead and do one for the 90’s as well. Even though the slasher flick pretty much died out during this decade (sob!) there were still some pretty damn good horror flicks that came out of this time period. …
Read More »Top 10 Supernatural Reality Altering Horror Characters
A horror list most likely way overdue. I’ve always had a soft spot for supernatural characters. The ones that stick out are characters who seem to possess powers that warp time, space, and everything around them. Consider it sort of a technique for making nightmarish things happen that you wouldn’t find happening within a film like “Halloween” or “Friday the …
Read More »Film Review: Wishmaster (1997)
SYNOPSIS: A demonic djinn attempts to grant its owner three wishes, which will allow him to summon his brethren to earth. REVIEW: 1997 was a pretty good year for horror films. There were quite a few titles that I really latched onto, “The Wishmaster” being one of them. Horror was ready for a new franchise characters, and with that came …
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