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Tag Archives: William Hope

Film Review: Aliens (1986)


SYNOPSIS: The planet from Alien has been colonized, but contact is lost. This time, the rescue team has impressive firepower, but will it be enough? REVIEW: Ahh…1986, what a fine year it was. I had a cool fiance, a good job AND “Aliens” the first official sequel to “Alien” was released (No need to mention all of the Italian ripoff …

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Film Review: Spiders (2013)


SYNOPSIS: Eight Legs Three Dimensions One Disaster. REVIEW: You can’t get much more “too” the point with a movie titled: “Spiders”. “Spiders” I have been hearing about now for the last year, mostly due to an aggressive marketing campaign. I went into the film knowing that it did have a decent production and budget and in some cases even made …

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