Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: “A global war begins in 1940. This war drags out over many decades until most of the people still alive (mostly those born after the war started) do not even know who started it or why. Nothing is being manufactured at all any more and society has broken down into primitive localized communities. In 1966 a …
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Film Review: Invaders From Mars (1953)
SYNOPSIS: “One night, young David McLean sees a spaceship crash into a nearby sandpit. His father goes to investigate, but comes back changed. Where once he was cheerful and affectionate, he’s now sullen and snarlingly rude. Others fall into the sandpit and begin acting like him: cold, ill-tempered and conspiratorial. David knows that aliens are taking over the bodies of …
Read More »Film Review: The Thief Of Bagdad (1924)
SYNOPSIS: “The thief will steal the gold from your purse; the food from your house; or the magic rope. Whatever he wants, he takes and he has decided to steal from the Caliph – until he sees the Princess. He loses his heart to her and disguises himself as Prince Ahmed – one of four royal suitors for her hand. …
Read More »Film Review: The Thief Of Bagdad (1940)
SYNOPSIS: “Prince Ahmad is the rightful King of Bagdad but he has been blinded and cast out as a beggar. Now a captive of the wicked Grand Vizier Jaffar he is cast into a dungeon where he meets Abu, the best thief in all Bagdad. Together they escape and set about a series of adventures that involve a Djinni in …
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