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Tag Archives: Trevor Matthews

Film Review: Jack Brooks Monster Slayer (2008)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: After witnessing his family’s violent murder, Jack Brooks (Trevor Matthews) develops an uncontrollable anger problem, but the night classes his girlfriend (Rachel Skarsten) suggests to cure Jack’s “issues” end up making them worse when his professor (Robert Englund) undergoes changes. Suddenly, Jack is the only person on Earth who can bring an unspeakable evil to its …

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Film Review: Girl House (2014)


SYNOPSIS: A beautiful young college student needing money for tuition moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. One of the “devoted” fans turns psycho after he hears the girls’ true thoughts and feelings about him and invades the house with deadly results. REVIEW: Director: Trevor Matthews Writer: Nick Gordon Stars: Ali Cobrin, Adam DiMarco and Slaine …

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