Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Based on the 2014 celebrity cell phone hacking incident (sort of), this movie revolves around a struggling filmmaker whose phone is hacked and several sexy photos are released to the public. The filmmaker has several lawsuits pending against him as a result, so he decides to fix the situation by killing those attempting to take him …
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Film Review: Saint Frankenstein (short film) (2015)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A call girl who comes to visit a badly scarred client at a rundown motel gets a lot more than she bargained for once her clothing is shed and a mysterious history begins to unfold. REVIEW: I just want to start by saying Saint Frankenstein WOW! The short film is possibly one of the best shorts …
Read More »Film Review: Nazi Hell (2015)
SYNOPSIS: The Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler was Adolf Hitler’s most loyal henchman and one of the most feared men of WWII. Surprisingly, he had only one problem… He had no stomach for murder! When the Reichsfuhrer-SS becomes physically ill during the execution of Russian POW’s on the Eastern front in 1941. Ruthless, careerist SS General Hans Shellenberg rats Himmler out to …
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