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Tag Archives: Thankskilling

The 3 Best, and Only, Thanksgiving Themed Horror Movies


Snow has started to fall in some states around the country and department stores have begun their annual Christmas sales. But wait, isn’t there another holiday between now and Christmas? Something about Pilgrims and Indians? Thanksgiving is slowly becoming the forgotten holiday, but not to worry, because I have compiled a list of the best Thanksgiving themed horror films to …

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Film Review: ThanksKilling 3 (2012)


SYNOPSIS: An evil Turkey referred to simply as Turkie slices and dices through an infomercial host, a rapping grandmother, a civil war enthusiast and a bi-sexual space worm along with his alien companion while on quest to retrieve every copy of the ill- fated ThanksKilling 2 on DVD.. REVIEW: Directed By: Jordan Downey Starring: Daniel Usaj, Joe Hartzler, Kevin Stewart, …

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