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Tag Archives: Scott Adkins

Film Review: Wolf Warrior (2015)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A Chinese special force soldier with extraordinary marksmanship is confronted by a group of deadly foreign mercenaries who are hired to assassinate him by a vicious drug lord. REVIEW: Titles can be incredibly confusing things as they conjure up all kinds of mental images that lead to films either living up to expectation, surpassing them or …

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Film Review: Re-Kill (2015)


SYNOPSIS: 5 years on from a zombie outbreak that nearly wiped out civilization and the living are trying to piece back together their lives amidst the remaining zombies, or re-animates (or Re-Ans) as they are called. A quasi S.W.A.T. task force known as the R-Division is tasked with the job of RE-killing the Re-Ans who have been segregated into zones. …

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