Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: The enchanted lives of a couple in a secluded forest are brutally shattered by a nightmarish hippie cult and their demon-biker henchmen, propelling a man into a spiraling, surreal rampage of vengeance. REVIEW: There are only two kinds of Nicolas Cage movies, really good ones, and really bad ones. In his lengthy, (and seriously prolific career), …
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Film Review: Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)
SYNOPSIS: Despite being under heavy sedation, Elena tries to make her way out of Arboria, a secluded, quasi-futuristic commune. REVIEW: Canadian science fiction, Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010), is a rather lethargic, hypnotic composition of a film. We open upon a psychedelic commercial in process for a commune named Arboria. As we are told, this institute is a scientific solution …
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