Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Zane, an astronomer, discovers intelligent alien life. But the aliens are keeping a deadly secret, and will do anything to stop Zane from learning it. REVIEW: Before he became the punch line to his own set of jokes, Charlie Sheen was considered a serious actor. What better role for a man who acts insane in his …
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Film Review: Impostor (2001)
SYNOPSIS: A top-secret government weapons designer is arrested by a clandestine government organization on suspicion of being a clone created by a hostile alien race wanting to take over Earth. REVIEW: “Impostor” was the first of two films based on the work of Philip K. Dick that were released relatively close to each other (The other being Spielberg’s “Minority Report”). …
Read More »Film Review: Communion (1989)
SYNOPSIS: “Whitley Strieber goes with his family and some friends to his holiday home in the forest. They experience some weird occurrences, are they UFO activity? Whitley is abducted and then faces a horrible dilemma; was I abducted or am I going mad? He sees a psychiatrist who tries to use hypnotic regression to discover the truth.” (courtesy IMDB) REVIEW: …
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