SYNOPSIS: Delivery tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of-control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child.
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Film Review: Contracted: Phase II (2015)
SYNOPSIS: Riley searches for a cure to the virus that took over Samantha before it consumes him and the entire world REVIEW: Sexual intercourse has always been a major factor in horror storytelling. Sometimes, as is the case in many vampire themed tales, the horror is romanticized. More often, however, sex is used as a way to make something more …
Read More »Film Review: Delivery: The Beast Within (2013)
SYNOPSIS: As Kyle and Rachel Massy look forward to the birth of their first child, production on a TV show about their pregnancy captures a series of unexplainable and unexpected events that hint at the supernatural. After the show is canceled, due to complications, the director continues to investigate into what may be happening to Rachel and her unborn child. …
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