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Tag Archives: Jorge Rivero

Film Review: Evil Eye (1975)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: The police has to face some extremely brutal murders. How is the rich playboy Peter Crane (Jorge Rivero) involved in this? He suffers from horrible nightmares that make him believe that he is responsible for these murders… REVIEW: When I say that absolutely nothing makes sense in this movie, I mean it. Absolutely nothing makes sense. Somewhere …

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Film Review: Werewolf (1995)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Unscrupulous archaeologists try to take advantage of an outbreak of lycanthropy prompted by the discovery of a werewolf skeleton in the Arizona desert. REVIEW: You know you’re in for a treat (to use the term loosely)  when a movie you have to review was once in an episode of the original Mystery Science Theater 3000. After …

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