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Tag Archives: Jean-Luc Bilodeau

Film Review: Trick ‘r’ Treat (2007)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: The usually boisterous traditions of Halloween turn baleful, and everyone in a small town tries to survive one night in pure hell in writer-director Michael Dougherty’s fright fest. Several stories weave together, such as a loner fending off a demented trick-or-treater’s attacks, kids uncovering a freaky secret, a school principal — who moonlights as a serial …

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Film Review: Piranha 3DD (2012)


SYNOPSIS: After the events at Lake Victoria, the pre-historic school of blood-thirsty piranhas make their way into a newly opened waterpark. REVIEW: “Josh cut off his penis because something came out of my vagina”! This dear acolytes is my nominee, actually the winner of the “Best line uttered by an actor/actress in a film” this year. And it was uttered …

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