Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A local news crew becomes involved with a hidden doomsday cult REVIEW: Director: Glenn Triggs Starring Jane Elizabeth Barry, David Macrae, Geoff Pinfield Journalist Jodie Black (Jane Elizabeth Barry), and her camera man, Kevin Horner (Geoff Pinfield) hear about the possible existence of a doomsday cult called the Bytherainians, in forests of Australia and decide to …
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Film Review: Dark Origins (short film) (2014)
SYNOPSIS: A psychologist discovers the terrifying trauma haunting her young patient may in fact lurk beyond the girl’s fractured mind. REVIEW: Another short film, this time DARK ORIGINS, a crowd funded short out of Australia. Meet Ella (Rosie Keogh) who has been in a mental hospital since she was a child. All the drugs in the world cannot stop her …
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