Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: “Set against the backdrop of the Great Plague and subsequent witch-hunts against women, Grace Haverstock (Charlotte Kirk) must grapple with the tragic untimely death of her husband Joseph (Joe Anderson) in a society completely consumed by fear and death. Because she rejects her landlord Squire Pendleton’s (Steven Waddington) advances, she is falsely accused of being a witch and thrown in jail for …
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Film Review: AVP Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
SYNOPSIS: “Thousands of years ago, huntsmen (the predators) found planet Earth. While there, they trained humans to build and were reverenced as gods. Every century, these gods would return to Earth and, when they did, they expected a sacrifice. Humans were used as livestock to breed the vital prey (the aliens). The predators would now combat the prey to establish …
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