Cinedigm Entertainment Group’s Devil’s Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge, directed by Sam Logan Khaleghi and starring Nathan Mathers (Eminem’s brother), Jesi Jenson , and Swifty McVay (from Eminem’s hip hop group D12). The film hits hit VOD & all digital platforms on June 23rd.
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Film Review: Devil’s Night (2017)
SYNOPSIS: A celebrity-obsessed teen seeking fame and fortune via viral videos finds a satanic documentary that leads him to a world of pure evil. REVIEW: Director: Todd Bishop Writer: Derek Rethwisch Starring: Adam Forrest, Elizabeth Peterson, Alex Ho, Kristina Cohen Kruz, Nolan Freeman, Shani Atias, and Kevin Grossman Devil’s Night is a stylized found-footage horror film from comedy-segment director Todd …
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