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Tag Archives: David Greenwalt

Film Review: Wacko (1982)


SYNOPSIS: “It all started exactly thirteen years ago, when Mary Graves’ older sister was murdered on Halloween prom night by a power-mowing maniac. Poor Mary – since then she has experienced horror, sexual frustration, even psychoanalysis, but she still sees little lawnmowers everywhere. But tonight will be different. Tonight, at the new Halloween Prom, all the questions of the past …

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TV Review: Grimm (TV Series) (Season 1) (2011)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: In modern day Portland, Oregon, a police detective inherits the ability to see supernatural creatures. Portland detective, Nick Burkhardt, has seen some gruesome crime scenes, but nothing prepares him for the strange visions he begins seeing: seemingly regular people momentarily transforming into hideous monsters. A visit from his only living relative reveals the truth. Nick has inherited …

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