Exclusive HorrorNews.net Interview w/ Dave Astor
Let’s talk horror! Are the members of PATHOLOGY big horror fans names of the bands favorite movies?
We actually enjoy a good comedy. Like Harold and Kumar or Halfbaked. But there is a few we enjoy. Like The Re-Animator. The guy in the movie was a big inspiration for our doctor that is on our album covers.
Metal and Horror ( In my mind ) go hand and hand, or fist and fist. If you could hand pick one of your songs and put in any horror movie – what song and what movie?
I guess it would be Code Injection. It’s our most recognizable song. It also has a lot of slow groves that would go great with a horror zombie movie.
Have you ever been musically inspired by horror movies?
More back in the day i was. Not too much anymore. A lot of our old album covers were very much horror inspired. I would watch movies like Re Animator, Evil Dead and Dead Alive and get cover ideas.
Favorite Heavy Metal t-shirt of ALL TIME???
Probably my Obituary Europe tour shirt that they gave me on the road.
Do you have a favorite song to play live, and why?
Right now i enjoy playing the new songs. Tyrannical Decay is fun. Its fun playing new songs and the fans seem to enjoy the new stuff. Also Code Injection is fun because people usually go crazy when we play it.
Do you have a favorite venue?
I enjoy playing all the clubs. Regge’s in Chicago comes to mind.
How would you describe a PATHOLOGY groupie?
Haha, what groupies? Our fans are some of the cools people and they show lots of support.
What can we expect musically from The Time Of Great Purification?
You can expect a brutal musical journey… The music more technical and more heavy. I tryed some new stuff with the drums like experimenting with cool new rolls and making the tempos faster then usually. We really push our selfs on this one. It has all the elements of traditional Pathology but a way updated version.
The album cover is our mad Doctor controlling the 2012 apocalypse and destroying the world.
What is your take on all the 2012 End of the World Doomsday prophecies?
I dont believe a lot of it. I do think the Solar Flares are going to start causing problems tho. Our new album talks a lot about this and the other 2012 prophecies.
Thanks for the interview! And that to our fans. Go pick up our new album The “Time Of Great Purification” available Sep 25th, 2012 on Victory Records.