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Home | Major Upcoming Horror Movies Section Update!

Major Upcoming Horror Movies Section Update!

Upcoming Horror Movies: HNN (Horrornews.net) expands their database with hundreds of new entries!

A long overdue to-do project…..HNN has just completed a thorough and extensive update to our “Upcoming Horror Movies Section“. You’ll find a smattering of new entrees, updates, updated poster arts, deletions of obsolete entries (abandoned), and a re-look at title changes and release dates.

And guess what? we are only getting started!

You can access Upcoming Horror Movies here or for a quicker comprehensive list view, (we have simplified it here)

Older entrees in this section either suggest the films have not yet completed or films we haven’t reviewed yet All films reviewed will get moved from Upcoming Movies into Reviews as they enter into our review production cycles. We currently have an impressive staff of reviewers bringing more than 60 reviews a month to readers.

As it’s often common to get details on titles under production and not yet assigned yet to an IMDB entry, we will make every effort to include new titles as they are revealed to us. Usually this is indicated by the creation of a movie poster, a proper synopsis, and a tentative cast in place.

Readers should quickly note some the exciting new upcoming titles due for 2017-2018 that are still under planning and production. Sequels continue to rear their heads with word of re-makes gaining steam. In some cases we’ve even founds remakes of the re-makes (aka Friday the 13th, Texas chainsaw, Hellraiser……etc)

We hope you enjoy the data provided as a source for updates on new upcoming titles making their way your theaters and living rooms!

We also noticed quite a few stragglers that seem to be caught in limbo as to their “actual” completion dates. Then again there is no shortage of horror films on the markets these days rich in ideas, creativity and imagination.

Those anxious about 2017, can jump on over to a quick anticipated releases list of upcoming horror films gearing up for the new year

We’d like to thank all the readers who visited our site over the years, you’ve help to make HNN (Horrornews.net) one of the top 3 horror resources across the internet (per extensive studies and data) and given us a reason to charge forward! We look forward to the years ahead!

Feel free to email us with announcements or comments to help build this important section for HNN


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