Not a “book” per se, but a recent product I received called “the Walking Dead Journals, is in actuality a hard covered notebook ready for your most intimate zombie thoughts. Bearing a creepy zombie front cover and some inside images to boot, this handy little notebook is perfect for office note-taking intended to raise a few eyebrows. I love useful products, especially ones that feature a bit of horror genre fan-fare. Well look no further Walking Dead fans, now you can flaunt your zombie interest with pride.
(In fact, I’ve been meaning to update my movie reviewing notepads to something more suitable!)
The journals are available from Insight Editions, the publishers of this unique quality product. Make sure to stop by their site, as in addition to Walking Dead treats, they also have quite an inventory of exceptionally quality book releases on hand.
You’ll find 4 versions each priced at $18.95 each
The Walking Dead Hardcover Ruled Journals