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Interview: Natasha Morley (Special FX Make-up Artist)


Natasha Morley is an amazing Special FX Make-up artist. Her specialties include: Airbrushing, body painting, drawing, hair stylist and nail technician.

First off tell us about yourself?

Natasha- My name is Natasha Morley, I’m a qualified makeup artist for films, TV and high fashion. My world revolves around makeup, positivity, creativity and anything artistic.

When did you know you wanted to be a make-up artist?

Natasha- I suppose I was always artistic, I drew a lot from a young age and I knew I wanted to be an artist. I started wearing makeup when I was around fourteen and as I got older I started dabbling in covering myself in blood, doing fake wounds, transforming myself. By the time I was seventeen I knew it was something I could spend the rest of my life doing.

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What types of creations have you done and who would you like to work with?

Natasha- I’ve done a lot of creations from horror like werewolf makeup, or even Hannibal Lecter and Silent Hill nurses to game characters like Mortal Kombat to comic book characters. I would absolutely love to work on a Tim Burton film, the creativity of the makeup is amazing, and another I would like to work with is Vivienne Westwood on runway. Her high fashion creative ways look amazing.

Is there a particular style you stick to or do you prefer to mix it up?

Natasha- I always mix things up, there’s days I am creating prosthetics, making bald caps and transforming people and then there are other days I am giving people long lashes, bright lipsticks and flawless skin. My makeup ranges from film and TV to face paints to high fashion to beauty.

What are some of your favorite creatures to create, make-up wise?

Natasha- I love mythical creatures! There’s so many different looks they could have, you can make a mermaid pretty like The Little Mermaid or have a scary take on it so that it’s something of nightmares, the same for all mythical creatures. I love how you can interpret a creature however you want.

Do you tend to venture outside the box and try to create new creatures, characters etc.?

Natasha- I love to create new characters and creatures! It’s so much more creative as you have to put your imagination to use to do your own interpretation of the creature.

Who influences you in special effects and make-up?

Natasha- Strangely enough I actually don’t tend to follow any makeup artists! I see work and I appreciate it, for instance the amazing contestants on Face Off and fantastic film makeup, however all of my influence comes from films, comics, games, art pieces and general things that I tend to see and inspire me.

What has been the most difficult character to create?

Natasha- Probably Majin Buu from Dragonball Z! I try to make each makeup look more technical and difficult than the last and that was my first attempt at creating a headpiece on top of a bald cap! It weighed so much!

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How can people contact you to work with you?

Natasha- To work with me people can simply email me at natmorley@me.com, I usually respond within 24 hours!

Who has inspired you professionally and personally?

Natasha- Professionally I love creative geniuses and entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs. I even look up to people such as will.i.am, I love the type of people who invent and create things and their mind is incredibly different to others. I aspire to be that way professionally and inspire others, I feel like not enough people want to be an entrepreneur. Personally my family, especially my mother, inspire me to be a good person and work hard in life, I’m so thankful for the support and love they give me.


What are some of your favorite Horror films?

Natasha- I absolutely love Hellraiser, I would love to do Pinhead or another Cenobites makeup one day. Other favorites of mine are Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Thank you so much for your time and for taking part in the interview! For horrornews.net


  1. ?s=65&r=g

    wow this is the chick who used to bully me in high school and made me want to kill myself 24/7

  2. b77908481e978743bd7e54aaeb5653ff?s=65&r=g

    natasha is such a nice person! Ive had the pleasure of getting a lot of makeup advice from her bcause im an aspiring MUA. its good to see her succeed

  3. 437e213ffa58d48f85c2618f54bb3fec?s=65&r=g
    Trinity D'Mone

    hey I relate totally to everything this chic says…curious to know where and how she went about technical training…also love the artistic expression of FX and creature makeup…love face off and halloween and tool music videos and silent hill nurse and fairies and nomes and all sorts of creepy mythical, really beautifully twisted forms of artisic expression the best, with gore and gothic my favorites… but the undertone is always that you have to know how to draw…is that a must…im not a drawer natural but can express the hell out of any art form…have acting dance music hairstyling, modeling and even minor photography background…really want to explore fx and creature style of makeup artisry…what do u reccomend…totally cant draw…but definately adaptable and can apply basic skills ,with my own take on it…so willing to be taught…please help me figure this out…humbly honored…Trinity


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