April 2nd 2014, London, UK – Genre movie legend Michael Armstrong, having been lured out of retirement to write and direct Orphanage, his first film since the classic Mark Of The Devil over forty years ago, is about to take a break from its current development to sit on the International Jury at this year’s 32nd Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF).
He is due to arrive in Belgium on the evening of April 13th and will remain in Brussels on the jury until the festival closes on April 20th. Alongside Sergi Lopez, Marie Gillain, Jean Benguigui and Sam Louwyck, Armstrong will judge 12 films vying for the coveted top slot in the International competition.
During this period, outside his jury duties, he will be available for interviews regarding his extraordinary career, including his campaign for the rights and appraisal of screen plays to be re-evaluated equally to those currently accorded stage plays.
In addition, Armstrong is currently preparing his entire screen play output – both filmed and unfilmed – for publication and has hinted that, during his BIFFF appearance, he may bring with him advance copies of the first title in the series. The limited edition hardback of his 1982 multi award-winning tongue-in-cheek take on gothic “Old Dark House” movies of the 30’s, House Of The Long Shadows, which he wrote specifically for horror icons Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and John Carradine, is sure to provide an extra special treat for fans attending the Festival this year as it will be the first time the original uncut screen play has appeared in print.
BIFFF runs from 8th to 20th April at the Centre For Fine Arts in Brussels.