Evil Apparition
“The latest installment in British terror cinema.”
Evil Apparition is a chilling paranormal portmanteau following a researcher (Kate Marie Davies) who stumbles across a collection of disturbing video evidence she has obtained from a mysterious source including a location recce made by two young filmmakers who venture to the Australian outback only to discover an ancient swamp spirit called Raluul, a paranormal investigative mother and son team who stumble upon an unspeakable terror in the local graveyard and a video diary of a man who starts hearing unusual noises once he finds a mysterious dollhouse in the attic of his new house. Evil Apparition is presented by Chemical Burn Entertainment and is scheduled for international release later in 2014 starring Kate Marie Davies (Kaleidoscope Man), Nathan Head (Exorcist Chronicles), Keiron Hollett (Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich), Suzi Lorraine (Won Ton Baby), Cain Harrip (The Secluded House), Dion Cavallaro (The Secluded House), Chad Hylton (The City Don’t Sleep), Kelly Hylton (Dear DIEry), Melissa Hollett (Blood Curse: The Haunting of Alicia Stone), Dayna Shuffle (Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich) and Paul Sutton (Zombie Hood).
Night Fall
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
Director Brel Offkel has already started production on his second feature film, Night Fall, an extra-terrestrial zombie terror. Shortly after a mysterious object crashes to Earth, people start to evolve into frenzied monsters with a hunger for human flesh. Hordes of zombies run the streets during daylight, making nightfall the only safe time to leave the house. Actors attached to appear are; Melissa Hollett (Blood Curse: The Haunting of Alicia Stone, Dead Cert), Nathan Head (The Midnight Horror Show, Exorcist Chronicles) & Keiron Hollett (Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich, Evil Apparition). The film is being directed by Brel Offkel (Evil Apparition) and is currently being shot in the North of England as well as the South Coast.