I don’t know about you but I’m a huge mark for anything Michael Biehn and he’s been a pretty busy man of late. His new project is a little shocker titled HIDDEN IN THE WOODS which is a remake of a Chilean film with a bunch of words you’re not gonna understand so, who cares..
As far as who’s involved:
You’ve got William Forsythe, MMA fighter Krxysztof Soszynski, Michael Biehn, Jeannine Kaspar, Electra Avelan, Mark Burnham, Jennifer Blanc and Richard Gunn star all lending their numerous talents with Patricio Valledares directing.
The film is in the can and currently in post production so hopefully we’ll be getting a look at the finished product very soon. In the meantime feast your peepers on this brand spanking new trailer.
inpsired ‘by’ not ‘in’ actual events lol