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Podcast: The Official HorrorNews.Net Podcast – Eps 03

Join the HorrorNews.Net Grue-Crew to celebrate, recap and review Rob Zombie’s The Lords of Salem. Join co-hosts Doc RottenDave Dreher and Santos (The Black Saint) Ellin Jr. as the discuss Zombie’s latest opus and a pair of VOD horror television shows, Hemlock Grove on Netflix and Zombieland on Amazon. Dave drops this weeks horror news and Doc shares the current HorrorNews.Net podcast contest. This is episode 3, recorded April 22, 2013.

The Official HorrorNews.Net Podcast
Episode 3 – Rob Zombie’s The Lord of Salem
(84min, 38.68MB)
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Rob Zombie returns to the theater with his latest directorial effort, the horror film The Lords of Salem. The movie features a stellar cast including Sheri Moon Zombie, Meg Foster, Judy Geeson, Patricia Quinn, Dee Wallace and Bruce Davidson. The story deals with the curse of the witch Margaret Morgan on the town of Salem and its effects on a beautiful, young DJ, Hiedi Hawthorne. The film features a bevy of Zombie driven visuals from giant bigfoot like creatures to mummified priests and, of course, a coven of witches. Listen as Doc and Santos debate how successful Rob Zombie is with the film and how wonderful and frightening Meg Foster is as Margaret Morgan.

Discussing a new trend in horror television, the grue-crew circle VOD horror content on Netflix and Amazon with the TV series Hemlock Grove from Eli Roth and Zombieland from the writers of the feature film. Hemlock Grove takes it serious with a town full of bizarre characters and creatures while Zombieland goes the zombie-comedy route mixing gore and hilarity. After delving into each series, the topic shifts to the impact such content has on the future of horror television.

In this episode’s news section, Dave discusses Dexter’s final season and the possibility of a spin off series. Will it feature Deb in all her cursing glory? We can only hope! Next is information on the sequel I Spit on Your Grave Too. The BluRay specs are in from Scream Factory for John Carpenter’s The Fog. And Dave ends his segment with fascinating updates about the release of Still Screaming, a documentary about Wes Craven’s Scream franchise.

Also, don’t forget the contest to win a signed poster for the upcoming flick Krampus: The Christmas Devil is still running with only a few weeks left for fans to leave their best, funniest, craziest Tag Line for the film. Check out the trailer below, let your mind create pure insanity and send it into the crew at docrotten at horrornews dot net or any of the social media contacts below. Krampus: the Christmas DevilIMDB and Youtube.

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Listener Feedback

Doc Rotten: facebook DoctorRotten, twitter @doc_rotten
Dave Dreher: facebook drehershouseofhorrors, twitter @savinifan
Santos (The Black Saint) Ellin Jr.: facebook theblacksainthnn, twitter @tbssaysyou
Thomas Mariani: twitter @notthewhostommy.

Special thanks and a big shout out goes to the band Tear Out Your Heart and Victory Records for allowing HorrorNews.Net to sample music from their single Undead Amthem for the podcast’s intro and outro theme music. Check them out and tell them The Official HorrorNews.Net Podcast sent you their way!




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