The highly anticipated horror film from Assombrada Pictures titled THE HOSPITAL, featuring John Dugan (THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE), Jim O’Rear (THE DEEPENING), Daniel Emery Taylor (RETURN OF THE SWAMP THING), Scott Tepperman (GHOST HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL), and Jason Crowe (DEAD MOON RISING), has wrapped principal photography in eastern Tennessee.
Filmed in actual, undisclosed haunted locations, THE HOSPITAL mixes themes from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hostel, Saw, and Paranormal Activity to bring to the screen what Tony Todd (CANDYMAN) says is, “the sickest sh*t since Rosemary’s Baby.”
The story is this… Old St. Leopold’s Hospital has many urban legends surrounding it, but the residents of Bridgeport all agree on one thing: tortured souls roam its abandoned halls. The mystery proves too much for a pretty young student who decides to investigate for her senior class project. Unfortunately, she does not find ghosts.
She, instead, finds Stanley… serial rapist, murderer, and psychopath. As the young girl becomes Stanley’s new pet, a team of young investigators descend on the hospital to “hunt some ghosts.” Stanley sees nothing but fun and games in his future. But, what Stanley does not know is that the hospital truly is haunted and the restless spirits there are not happy with what he has been doing.
With venues already lining up for screenings ranging from Alabama to Germany, THE HOSPITAL promises to be one of the most talked about independent films in 2013.
More information and photos can be found by becoming a “friend” to THE HOSPITAL on Facebook: