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Book Review: Taxidermied: The Art of Roman Dirge – Author Roman Dirge

taxidermied-art-of-roman-dirgeBook: Taxidermied: The Art of Roman Dirge HC
Writer: Roman Dirge
Artist: Roman Dirge
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: September 2011
Pages: 112
Price: $34.95

“A stunning full-color celebration of the eye-catchingly original artwork creator Roman Dirge, the first anthology of his work available anywhere. This lavish hardback includes an introduction and background commentary information on the imagery by Dirge himself, plus previously unpublished artwork, covers and strips, and paintings. The book also includes fold-out pages, displaying Dirge’s work in its full glory, and some brand-new pieces created just for this book!”

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5
I have never reviewed an art book before, so I guess it is only fitting that I start with an artist whose work I love. Now being an art book please note that this book contains tons of GORE-Geous pictures. From the start of page 1 my jaw was slowly opening, by the time I got to page 5 it was on the floor. What I really enjoyed about this collection was that it was not always full-page pieces. At times I was presented with the sketches that led to the final pieces, and that makes the visual experience more fun.

The Book is broken down into 5 sections; sketches, artwork, scarytales, monsters and funny bone. There was not a single one that I did not enjoy looking at. Each section is placed perfectly, because the books builds as it goes on. My favorite might have to be the monster section, but seriously reader, I loved them all. Being presented with all of the insane things that Roman has concocted over the year is fantastic, and I kinda want to see more turn into comics. I am left wondering one thing though, what is with all the veins and nerves?

Being a graphic designer by trade I have to take a paragraph to go over the layout of this book. One thing that plays into the artwork so well are the typefaces. A nice black-letter font for the titles was a perfect choice to fit the theme and still be easily readable. At times even the page backgrounds have this grunge look to them that enhances the visual tone for the artwork. Even the actual design on the hardcover, minus the slip cover is boo-tiful! Overall this book is so perfect for your eyes that you might cry a little, I know I did.

Story: 4.5 out of 5Now you should know that there is no real story here since it is an art book, however Dirge is able to still inject his humor into this book. The intro has jokes in it and picture descriptions have jokes in them, so you can’t lose. The ability to add these subtle things enhances the entire experience of the book. It’s like getting your vanilla ice cream topped with sprinkles!

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5I still can’t say that I would buy every art book out there, but I am so happy I got this one. I love what Roman brings to his comics with his story telling being the main focus over the art. When I can get a chance to check out a book that can showcase the opposite I will take it. This is a complete package that I am proud to put on my bookshelf. Visually stunning with a hint of humor, oh Roman we need a steadier stream of your work in out lives.

If you would like to buy or know more about Taxidermied: The Art of Roman Dirge you can find it at http://titanbooks.com/

Book Review: Taxidermied: The Art of Roman Dirge – Author Roman Dirge

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