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Home | Film Review: The Last Resort (2009)

Film Review: The Last Resort (2009)


They were looking for the ultimate getaway, they planned for the perfect paradise vacation, what they’re about to get is a trip no one is prepared for. When a group of five girlfriends heads for the tropics, they relax, hit the beach and step out for a night of partying. All is fun and games, until someone gets hurt. Robbed by their tour guide and left for dead, the girls take shelter in an old abandoned resort. Their high hopes for safety are soon destroyed when an ancient evil is unleashed in this haunted haven. This vacation might have been the time of their lives, but The Last Resort will most likely be the time of their death.


The Last Resort was a pretty good flick. It has a bunch of girls that take their best friend to Mexico for a long weekend bachelorette party. Kathleen is the lucky bride to be and can’t wait to get her ass out there to party it up. Amber the cute brunette makes them all wear penis lei’s that she brought with her in her travel bag. They even have a pin the penis on the hot Mexican hanging on the wall for some laughs. After they don their pink shirts proclaiming Kathleen’s last resort until her wedding they hit the town for some booze soaked fun.

Already buzzing the girls stop and look at some of the street side sales. Sophia wants a trinket to remember this wild weekend with her friends and decides on a bracelet from a little old Mexican lady who doesn’t speak English. As she goes to pay for the item the woman grabs her hand and starts to read her palm. They have no clue what she is saying but suddenly she freaks out and drops her hand. You’d have to be pretty stupid not to assume that it was something horrible. The girls shake it off and head inside the next bar where two guys Jeremy and Rob head over to flirt.

After some serious slamming of drinks the girls get wild and dance like they never danced before .Sophia and Rob hit it off and leave to get get better acquainted without their clothes of course. The next day, hung over and a tad grumpy the girls wait next to the van trying to reach Sophia on her cell. They finally do and tell her they are taking a tour of the place and will see her later. Two men load them up and take them way out to the deserted area where the only thing in sight is sand and palm trees. The men scream for the punta’s to get out and they take all their cash, jewelry and cell phones.

Beth managed to get a hold of Sophia and yells what’s happening thru the phone. As they are speaking Kathleen gets shot in the leg. They are now left stranded with their friend shot in the middle of nowhere. In the distance they see an old building and trek towards it hoping to get some help. Unfortunately for them it’s abandoned. This old Resort is covered with evil and soon the girls start turning on each other. The Resort used to house people who enjoyed all of life’s carnal pleasures and would do anything they wanted or desired to.

The place seems to feed on their desires and makes them lose the inhibitions or whatever ties that binds them. For instance Beth is a little skinny girl who Kathleen accuses of being anorexic. Soon she is shoving whatever she can find in her mouth. Beth is a prudish girl who doesn’t give it up and next thing you know she is laying on a bed grinding out an orgasm with her hand. It’s like they are becoming possessed by the evil spirits that are still lingering there in the old abandoned Resort. Will these girls last long enough to be rescued by Sophia and the guys who are on their way out there?

Sophia cops a ride out there unknowingly by the two men who robbed her friends. The men talk sh*t about the incident in Spanish not realizing that Jeremy knows the language. He lets Rob and Sophia know and all hell breaks loose leaving chunks of brain splattered on the passenger side window. Benito childishly begs them not to make him go into the Resort. He swears it’s haunted and evil and would rather die than go in. They handcuff his ass and leave him in the van with the sizzling brain on the window. Looking desperately thru the darkened hallways they finally find Kathleen who is obviously not herself.

Will anyone be able to resist the evil powers that consume them from these Resorts walls? Will there be anyone left to tell the tale of the most awful bachelorette weekend to ever exist? This place is the closest thing to a Hotel California I have ever seen. I liked The Last Resort and thought it was definitely a decent
film to have laid my weary eyes on!

The Last Resort (2009)

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