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Tippi Hedren THE BIRDS at Saturday Nightmares Expo

JCTC presents : Saturday Nighmares Horror and Sci-Fi Expo , June 3-5, 2011 at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel, East Rutherford, NJ .  The weekend includes, Dawn of the Dead Screening and live reenactment with orignal newcasters, David Crawford and David Early!  The Twilight Zone screenings all weekend!  The Return of the Living Dead VIP PARTY!  The Birds screening with Intro and Q/A from Tippi Hedren! and more!


Featuring Celebrity Guest Appearences: Tippi Hedren (The Birds), Sid Haig (Devil’s Rejects), Bruce Dern (The Burbs), Doug Bradley (Hellraiser), Julian Sands (Warlock), Barbara Steele (Pit and the Pendulum), Brenda Bakke, Charles Fleischer (Demon Night), Lisa Marie (Ed Wood), Ken Foree, David Emge, Gaylen Ross, Michael Gornick, Scott Reiniger, John Amplas, David Early, David Crawford, Jim Krut, Michael Christopher, Leonard Lies, (Dawn of the Dead) Rick Catizone (Creepshow), Lynne Griffin (Black Christmas), Frank Saladino, Desiree Gould (Sleepaway Camp), Michael Baldwin (Phantasm), Warren Disbrow (Scarlet Moon), Suzi Lorraine (Rise of the Ghosts), Kelli Maroney (Night of the Comet), Linnea Quigley, Alan Trautman, Thom Mathews, Brian Peck, John Philbin, Beverly Randolph, Don Calfa, Jewel Shepard, (The Return of the Living Dead), Terry Alexander, Debra Gordon, Mark Tierno, (Day of the Dead), Josh Becker (Alien Apocalypse), Belinda Balaski (The Howling), William Stout (Conan the Barbarian), John Turi (FX artist), Tim Quill (Army of Darkness), Ellen Sandweiss, Theresa Tilly, Betsy Baker (The Evil Dead), Claudia Wells (Fast Times), Lesleh Donaldson (Funeral Home), Elizabeth Shepherd (Damien: Owen II), and Cryptmaster Chiller Chucky. Plus more names to be announced.

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