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EXCLUSIVE: Crimzon Harvest Film Update!!!

  • Electrifying Horror Movie Crimzon Harvest Provides Scary Updates


The slasher film Crimzon Harvest has provided some major updates on social media recently announcing that Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Robert Mukes (House of a 1000 Corpses), Marc Haynes (Stream) will commence filming at a farm in New Jersey this upcoming May and September.

The film produced and starring Xander Goldman (Macabre Mountain) as the killer Scarecrow has been working tirelessly on the project. Paul Sutt who has over twenty years in the movie making industry and just released his recent film Hunt, Chase, Kill will be co-starring in Crimzon Harvest in addition to supervising special effects.



The script for the movie is being written by Ocean County New Jersey resident and horror author Christopher Michael Blake (The Cape May Murders and Trespass Against Us) who says, “I believe this script pulls out all the stops, delivering some of the most gruesome and satisfying onscreen kill scenes, while pausing a few moments for comic relief.”

Crimzon Harvest is centered on a hardworking financially strapped family of farmers who must rely on a supernatural Scarecrow to save them from a group of ruthless killers.

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