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Home | Podcasts | Silent Night, Deadly Night, Black Christmas & Krampus – SUBJECT TO CHANGES HOLIDAY HORROR PODCAST

Silent Night, Deadly Night, Black Christmas & Krampus – SUBJECT TO CHANGES HOLIDAY HORROR PODCAST

Xposse Productions presents a very scary Christmas episode of the SUBJECT TO CHANGES Podcast. Geno McGahee and Eric Michaelian come together to discuss holiday movies including SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT, BLACK CHRISTMAS and Krampus.

This is episode 6 of the growing show where film and general entertainment are the main focus. This episode delves into the controversy that surrounded SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT, some unkind words for Mickey Rooney and Roger Ebert getting it both barrels. This is an episode you don’t want to miss and it may be offensive to those that don’t like potty language.

All episodes are presented by CINEMA EPOCH and are released every two weeks with varying topics. Stay tuned, listen in, share and comment.


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