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Home | News | Official Trailer: Pale Horse: A Psycho Sexual Odyssey starring Eileen Dietz, Chris Connell, & Alexandra Bard

Official Trailer: Pale Horse: A Psycho Sexual Odyssey starring Eileen Dietz, Chris Connell, & Alexandra Bard

PALE HORSE: A PYSCHO SEXUEL ODYSSEY from director Pearry Reginald Teo is coming out on June 30, 2024 from Bayview Entertainment.

This new psychological horror film stars Chris Connell, Alexandra Bard, and Eileen Dietz, the legendary demon face from the scariest film ever made, The Exorcist (1973).

Synopsis: Art, Love, and Dark Magic come together in this gothic tale of an eccentric man who summons a vengeful spirit to manifest his desires and make him a great artist.

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