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Home | News | How filmmakers can get funding for horror movies at Fear Village

How filmmakers can get funding for horror movies at Fear Village


Being an independent filmmaker is challenging.   The biggest challenge is always at the beginning when it comes to raising funds to make your movie.   There are several methods that work for filmmakers.  Some filmmakers are able to find private investors while others rely on crowd funding campaigns.   These are all valid methods but there is another interesting alternative.

There’s an old adage, you have to spend money to make money.    I might suggest making an investment today to let your money work for you.   There’s currently a group of filmmakers collaborating on a brand new indoor haunted horror attraction called FEAR VILLAGE.

The haunt industry every Halloween season makes millions and millions of dollars.   It only seems logical that filmmakers tap into the massive success of these haunted attractions.   FEAR VILLAGE is being constructed at the Voorhees Town Center in Voorhees, New Jersey.   It will opening it’s doors for the 2024 Halloween season, but it will remain open for business 12 months out of the year.   This isn’t your typical seasonal Halloween stop off, it’s much more.   It’s a place where horror fans can go and become one with the horror industry.   Imagine walking into a horror movies scene anytime you want.   The possibilities are endless.

Interested horror filmmakers are welcome to come onboard and join the FEAR VILLAGE community.   There is a limited time to come in on the ground floor become a FEAR VILLAGE partner and watch the horror unfold.

Let FEAR VILLAGE fund your next horror movie.   To find out how by contacting FEAR VILLAGE Vice President, Michael Joy at joyhorror@msn.com

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