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Home | TV | TV Review: Creepshow (TV Series) (Season 3) (2022)

TV Review: Creepshow (TV Series) (Season 3) (2022)

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The breakout series from the teams at Shudder and RLJE Films continue with another helping of Creepshow craziness delivering on a solid season 3 of horror, monsters, terror, and humor. For those who caught our previous Creepshow series reviews (season 1, Season 2), you already know this is a great anthology show of short stories that deliver on all points.

As of this review, it was confirmed that a season 4 would be green lit soon to follow.

The stories are listed as followed:

Queen Bee

Skeletons in the Closet

The Last Tsuburaya
Okay, I’ll Bite

Stranger Sings
Meter Reader

Time Out
The Things in Oakwood’s Past

Drug Traffic
A Dead Girl Named Sue

Creepshow-TV-Series-Season-3-2022-series-2 Creepshow-TV-Series-Season-3-2022-series-3

Now for those curious (like last seasons) this season is no exception featuring a solid smattering of practical effects from the Greg Nicotero team. In fact, one of this season’s most endearing qualities is its use of old school practical effects. Demons, zombies, witches, monsters, aliens and just plain ol odd looking supernatural beings are all a part of this show’s highlights. Not only done well but exceptional in design and animatronics. Viewers can certainly expect alot of creepiness thru the use of creatures and final realizations.

It’s 3rd season debuted Sept of 2021 as a follow up offering to the previous seasons 1 and 2. As before, each episode runs about 45 minutes composed of 2 stories per episode. The stories run in comic book fashion beginning with the turning of a few pages before segueing into real life action. Another redeeming quality here is that viewers are exposed to several different short stories written by top talents. Since the budget here started with 8 million and has been reported to be less per season, we can expect a professional production each season with perhaps a few cutbacks presented with more affordable solutions.


With that said, I don’t mind at all, since many of us grew up in the 70’s and 80’s used to far less. The season is solid and the team ages to still deliver the goods

Now getting on to the content, we’ve got some real winners here. “Mums” offers a nice femme fatale revenge piece combined with the supernatural. “Queen Bee” takes on the birthing of insectoids offering a few twists.

“Skeletons in the Closet” hits home for us memorabilia collectors of all things horror. In fact, it’s comedy here arrives in mirroring it’s own audience, many of us who might find some familiarity here.


“The Last Tsuburaya” is one of my more favorites based on a wealthy collector who stops at nothing to hoard the true experience of a rare lost art piece for himself.

“Okay, I’ll Bite” offers a familiar story of creep crawlies claiming the last word.

“Time Out” is a nice time based piece that cautions one about the excessive use of real magic that can backfire if abused.


“Meter Reader” takes a stab at a Covid-19 reminiscence story hitting home with plagues and zombies. A nice action piece as well

This gives you a quick preview of things to expect, but in short like season 1 and 2, I’m calling this a win for me. Shudder is doing use horror fans a great service with the reawakening of this series. I look forward to more ahead and hours of cool and eerie entertainment!

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