The new revenge horror drama RAVAGE (previously titled SWING LOW during its festival debuts), stars Annabelle Dexter-Jones (UNDER THE SILVER LAKE, HOLY MOTORS, “Succession”), two-time Oscar nominee Bruce Dern (ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, PEANUT BUTTER FALCON, NEBRASKA, COMING HOME) and Robert Longstreet (DOCTOR SLEEP, HALLOWEEN KILLS, “The Haunting of Hill House”). The film opens in theaters and VOD on August 21st.
When a nature photographer explains to the police how she fought her way out of Virginia’s Watchatoomy Valley, they dismiss her crazed and violent story as a meth-induced nightmare. But when they discover that she’s telling the truth, it’s too late.
Writer/director Teddy Grennan, previously worked as a producer and executive producer on a variety of independent feature films. Prior to writing the script for SAVAGE, Teddy Grennan spent five years in the animation world writing for Nickelodeon and various other studios including Prana
**Winner – Best Feature – New York City Horror Film Festival 2019**
**World Premiere – Genre Blast 2019**
**Official Selection – Cucalorus Festival 2019**
**Official Selection – Austin Film Festival 2019**
**Official Selection – ScreamFest Horror Film Festival 2019**
**Official Selection – Horrible Imaginings Film Festival 2019**
**Official Selection – Phoenix Film Festival 2019**
**Official Selection – NOLA Horror Film Fest 2019**
**Official Selection – FilmQuest 2019**
**Official Selection – Myrtle Beach International Film Festival 2020**
Opens in Theaters and VOD on August 21st
“”SAVAGE” is a tension filled, realistic horror movie about the evil that men do and how things can go very wrong very quickly. It presents a strong female character who isn’t waiting around to be rescued […]. She’s not a super powered spy or superhero, just any ordinary woman who refuses to lie down and die.”
Running time: 77 minutes
Language: English
Rating: Not Rated
Written and directed by Teddy Grennan. Produced by Marsha Oglesby, Bennett Krishock and Teddy Grennan. Music by Jacques Bratbaur. Starring Annabelle Dexter-Jones, Bruce Dern and Robert Longstreet. A Brainstorm Media releas