Primeworks Studios, Malaysia’s biggest production house, has released a horror-thriller film titled 7UJUH, also known by its international title The Unforgiven Seven. The film is the first feature directed by Malaysian filmmaker Raja Muhkriz, recipient of Most Promising Director award at the 27th Malaysian Film Festival.
7UJUH, set in the 1970s, tells a tragic story of a group of seven friends who goes on a road trip to a remote bungalow, tended by a village head and his daughter. A wild party takes place and unspeakable things happens.
The film presents a line-up of young talented Malaysian actors with special appearances by veteran actors Wan Hanafi Su and Faizal Hussein. A majority of the film was shot at Cameron Highlands, Pahang – one of Malaysia’s most popular tourist destinations – and shooting took over a month to complete.
7UJUH was released in Malaysia on 8 November 2018, and is showing in Singapore’s Cathay Cineplexes theatres since 15 November 2018. For the latest updates on 7UJUH, go to