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Interview: David Greathouse (Clowntown)

interiew-clowntown-david-greathouse-6First off, you did an amazing job playing the terrifying Baseball Clown in “Clowntown.”

David: It was a fun, extra scary project. It was pretty cool to work with friends on an independent film-making project.

What was it like working with Tom Nagel?

David: It was great. I’ve worked with him years ago. He is hardworking and “Clowntown” is creepy as hell.

What was it like working with the cast?

David: They are friends of mine. It was easy, like hanging out at four-o-clock in the afternoon you know with friends. They are amazing.

Did you have a favorite moment on-set?

David: You know I liked crushing Nagel’s head and then setting it on fire. It was the best.

What would you like to say to the fans and the audiences that will be watching “Clowntown?”

David: I would say this is not the usual clown film. It already has this buzz so people are already interested which is great!

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One comment

  1. 86c1fc0b2c9bbe607359247e2be6033c?s=65&r=g

    Wow, great news! So I am thinking about an old friend from the late 80’s/early 90’s who I worked with and hung out with (we saw some great metal shows in Cleveland back in the day, Dark Angel/Trouble/Savatage…), the following week I see Hacksaw Ridge, which happens to show in the credits Produced by: David Greathouse. Well, just so happens that this is the same name of my old friend, weird huh?
    I promptly do a Internet search (if anyone I know would end up in Hollywood I’m thinking it would be Dave), and lo and behold I find this web page, knowing full well, with the horror and gore, that this has got to be Dave! I was right, kudos to ya Dave! Good fortunes to you and your co-workers!
    Rick D.


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