As Fatal Pictures begins work on its fourth horror short Heir, producer Zach Green and director Richard Powell are bringing back many familiar faces from their first three films, including Wormand Familiar: cinematographer Michael Jari Davidson (Familiar); special effects team The Butchershop; and lead actor Robert Nolan. This specific group of talented film makers make up a tight nit group of artists Zach …
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Interview: Zach Green
This interview serves as a bit of a mea culpa (I’d like to think, anyways). Zach Green, my interviewee. first approached me to be interviewed for site a while ago. I agreed. Unfortunately, the last few months have been deeply harrowing , healthwise, for this particular writer, and Zach requested an interview just before I fell down the rabbit …
Read More »Film Review: Familiar (short film) (2012)
SYNOPSIS: Through a series of tragic events, a middle aged man grows to suspect the negative impulses plaguing his mind may not be his own. REVIEW: Written and Directed by Richard Powell, Familiar (2012) is one of the few short films I’ve seen this year that matches any professional production on the market. John Dodd, narrates his thoughts thru out …
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