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Tag Archives: Marguerite Sundberg

Germ (2013)


SYNOPSIS: The military’s attempt to shoot down an orbiting satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic on a remote, small town. Deputy Max Brody and his girlfriend Brooke must battle their way through an army of infected townsfolk and soldiers as they struggle to save themselves and their loved ones from a horrible, early death. When cannibalism is contagious will love endure? …

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Film Review: Germ Z (2013)


SYNOPSIS: The military’s attempt to shoot down an orbiting satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic on a remote, small town. REVIEW: The deputy sheriff of the sleepy town known as Preacher’s Mill meets in the woods for a early morning tryst with a ginger haired jogging lady. At the same two become one in the biblical sense, a meteor of unknown …

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