Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A helpless Taxi driver, a mysterious delivery boy, a 30 years abandoned motel, a touching past, all come together to form a strange tale. One day, a strange passenger Xiao Ma hires a taxi driver named Map King, paying him a huge sum of money to take him to an abandoned old motel. The Chun Lei …
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Film Review: Mad Detective (2007)
SYNOPSIS: Inspector Bun has developed a reputation for solving crimes with his clairvoyant power, which enables him to see manifestations of the different sides of an individual’s personality. His career comes to a crashing halt, however, when he inexplicably severs his ear and offers it to the chief as a retirement gift. Years later, Inspector Ho approaches Bun for help …
Read More »Film Review: The Child’s Eye (2010)
SYNOPSIS: A group of friends find themselves stranded in an old hotel. As they uncover the history beneath the walls they’re slowly drawn into its sinister past making it harder to get out alive! REVIEW:
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