Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Though safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient princess, whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension. REVIEW: Director: Alex Kurtzman. Starring: Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, Courtney …
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Film Review: The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014)
SYNOPSIS: It’s great to be Spider-Man. For Peter Parker, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time with Gwen. But being Spider-Man comes at a price, only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorker’s from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the emergence of Electro, Peter must confront a foe far …
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